In a world where chaos often reigns, And differences cause endless pains, There’s a day we hold so dear, To remind us why we’re here. On World Values Day, we unite as one, To celebrate what can’t be undone, For values are the ties that bind, In the vast tapestry of humankind. Like Robbie […]

It was my thirtieth year to heaven Woke to my hearing from harbour and neighbour wood And the mussel pooled and the heron Priested shore The morning beckon With water praying and call of seagull and rook And the knock of sailing boats on the webbed wall Myself to set foot That second In the […]

O God! Thou art our Father, Mother, Friend. We, thy children, love thee and our parents. Thou art in our hearts and minds, And make us fearless. Thou art in Temple, Church, Mosque, everywhere, Thou art in Vedas, Bible, Koran, Gurugranth, all scriptures. O God! Thou infinite reflection is in all living beings, Love reflects […]