We are used to fearing death
because we are not taught
about the passing into a better World —
one filled with Light and Love
and all that is beautiful.

What is this better World we hear about?
Some say it lies beyond this one,
in a realm of Light, the Kingdom of Souls.
And yet . . . not so distant it is
as we catch a glimpse of it in the silence.

The life we live, so busy and short
moves the life-force from here to there in trivial thought;
seeking bread and shelter year to year
we build a fortress against our death
and so forget our immortal secret.

In moments of joy and momentary bliss
amidst the turmoil of a troubled planet,
the heart confirms what lies beyond —
a sanctity of Love and Wisdom
amidst Souls of light and liberation.

Let us hold to the vision of a better world.
Strong, loving, and aligned with our Soul
we may bring a waft of heaven
to quench our thirst for That which lies hidden.
Know that Spirit lives and Loves in the hearts of all.

Annette Morgan

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