The 5 dimensions of the INNER CORE
By Rooks Moodley
As we reflect on World Values Day in October 2021, Leading from WITHIN is a leadership approach that is necessary to navigate through the Global COVID 19 Pandemic. How do leaders remain effective and efficient with the change taking place at such a rapid rate ?
The current context we find ourselves in is known as VUCCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Covid, Ambiguous). This simply means that we living in an environment that is rapidly changing and it requires agility and adaptability. Albert Einstein said, “We cannot do things the same way and expect different results”.
However, when you are experiencing chaos around you how do you continue to be consistent when change is inevitable. I have found that Leading from WITHIN is the best Leadership strategy so that you bring what is inside your INNER world into the OUTER world.
The inner world is constituted by what is defined as INTRINSIC VALUE and the outer world is defined as EXTRINSIC VALUE. The crucial questions to reflect on is Who you are (Identity) and why are you on the Earth (Purpose). These elements are central to living a life where you are not just surviving but you are thriving and therefore it is important to understand yourself so you can better relate to society, a term I refer to as Transforming SELF and Transforming SOCIETY. Every human being has a desire to be a Change Agent and to make a difference in the world however many have not discovered their identity, purpose, potential and are therefore living unfulfilled lives. Myles Munroe said, “The greatest tragedy is not DEATH but LIVING LIFE WITHOUT PURPOSE”. In a speech entitled “Prepared to die for Nelson Mandela wrote “I have fought against white domination, I have fought against black domination. I have fought for a nation that is both free and equal. It is an ideal I am prepared to live for but if needs be it is an ideal I am prepared to die for”
Human beings are always in pursuit of fulfilment and will continue searching for satisfaction until they live out their calling/vocation. In the words of Tata Nelson Mandela, “Poverty is not natural, just like apartheid it is man made. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great, you can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom”.
Every human being has an innate desire to live beyond themselves. In the words of Nelson Mandela “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived it is what difference we make to the lives of others determines our own significance. If we live and we live for ourselves when we die we die, but if we live and we live for others when we die we continue to live.
There are 5 components that are CORE in developing your INNER WORLD.
1. Your VALUE determines your VALUES
This simply means if every human being understands they are made in God’s own image and likeness and they have INTRINSIC VALUE they will not have to look for EXTRINSIC VALUE. When a human being understands their VALUE it enables them to live by a certain VALUE system that contributes positively to SELF and SOCIETY. If every individual can realize that they come into the world with INTRINSIC VALUE they will not have to pursue material things to make them feel valued.
How you see the world determines how you see the VALUE in yourself and in society. If you have prejudice towards any ethnicity based on your upbringing, conditioning and exposure it inhibits your ability to embrace yourself and others therefore it is important to consistently reflect and review your world views.
We all have cultural frames that determine how we relate to ourselves and society and it has the ability to hinder how we perceive people who have a different cultural orientation or practice. Often we are not in a position to see the motivation behind a cultural practice and we can easily disrespect or disregard other cultures however if it hinders our ability to embrace people then it requires consistent reflection and review. We need to learn how to embrace our diversity and see the “value add” that every culture and ethnicity brings into society and how it enriches us at the personal and societal levels.
When life happens the human heart becomes hardened and loses its ability to be socially, morally and ethically conscious. It is critical to consistently review one’s conscience as it impacts on one’s outlook to life. Negative thoughts result in negative actions and behave therefore a careful reflection on one’s thought life is essential.
Aristotle defines Excellence as “a daily mastery of things” therefore if we are to excel we have to be conscious of our daily routines and habits. Whether it is a good or bad habit if it is practiced daily it becomes a routine. It is important to understand how we nurture our spirit, soul and body and that assists in grooming our life.
LEADING from WITHIN provides an opportunity to operate from a place of stability, certainty and consistency and provides a platform to provide strategic leadership even in a VUCCA context. It is vital that we all take time to groom our INNER WORLD and harness the eternal things, faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is LOVE rather than place so much emphasis on the temporal as we are building a legacy for the next generations and the type of linage we grow is important.
Mother Teressa “Not all of us can do great things but all of us can do small things with great love. “
About the Author:
Rooks Moodley is a Social Justice Activist for the past 28years. This is what she refers to as her calling/vocation. Her life goal is to help individuals in her metron of influence to unlock their fullest God given potential by Living By Design. She currently holds an Honors Degree in Human & Social Studies and is pursuing her Masters.
A time like no other Covid-19 in Women’s Voices , edited by Nontando Hadebe