whose Sanskrit name means
the first ray of sunbeam
that breaks through at dawn
You are my light

You are fourteen now,
and going through all that teenage angst
discovering yourself
wanting independence
wanting to own your voice

You now want to be called Naomi,
pronounced Nyomi, the Hebrew way
You wanted to go buy skirts
I suggested you look through my closet first,
to get a feel for what’s available

For your birthday,
I got you a cake that said
“Happy Birthday Kiran Naomi”
You wiped off the word Naomi
I guess you’re not ready
to present yourself to the world
Just to your brother and me

I am just happy you feel safe enough
to be yourself around us
that you know we love you
no matter who you choose to be

I wish this world was more accepting
I wish I could read your mind
it would be so much easier

I wish you knew how much I truly love you
and that no matter what you say
I really will love you, unconditionally

I wish for you nothing but joy
dotted sporadically with sadness
for without the lows
we wouldn’t know the highest highs

I wish for you
the strength it will take
to tread this path, and the
ability to be vulnerable
and love through it all

I will always love you.

SheDragon713 © 2024

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