by Saskhia Menendez


I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep,
A shining bird in dreams to keep.
There she soared, with jet-black eyes,
Yellow feet, beneath the skies.

Feathers brown, a golden hue,
Three feet tall, with wings that grew.
I gazed in awe, her beauty bright,
A slender form, a graceful flight.

But as she soared, I felt her call,
A voice that echoed, strong yet small.
“Come with me, where shadows play,
To find the light of a distant day.”

With beating wings, she led the way,
Through valleys deep and mountains gray.
We crossed the forests, dark and wide,
With secrets old that trees would hide.

Through mist and fog, we journeyed far,
Guided only by a single star.
The night was long, the path unclear,
Yet in her eyes, I saw no fear.

She spoke of trials, of ancient law,
Of eagles past who flew before.
“Each one has faced this daunting flight,
To claim their place in morning’s light.”

We reached a cliff, so high and steep,
Where echoes whispered, wild and deep.
The eagle paused, her gaze intent,
On distant peaks, where others went.

“To soar the skies, one must be brave,
And face the fears the darkness gave.
For only those who dare the night,
Can rise again in morning’s light.”

With that, she leapt into the air,
A silhouette in moon’s cold glare.
She dived into the storm below,
Where icy winds began to blow.

I held my breath, as fear took hold,
But in her flight, she turned to gold.
Her feathers gleamed, a burning flame,
A phoenix born, with a new name.

And as the dawn broke through the sky,
She rose again, with wings held high.
A golden eagle, strong and free,
A symbol of what I could be.

For in that moment, I understood,
The path was hard, but life was good.
And though the night may bring its fears,
The light of hope would dry all tears.

So when I wake, I’ll start anew,
With courage found from skies so blue.
For like the eagle, bold and true,
I’ll chase the light in all I do.

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