by Mani Padisetti

We find ourselves caught in the web of ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts,’ like actors following a script written by someone else. These well-intentioned guidelines, rules, and societal norms, come at us from all angles, urging us to conform to emulate the successes of others. 

We’re told to follow the Joneses, those elusive neighbours whose lives seem to shine so brightly. In this dance of life, do these guiding lights truly lead us to discover the essence of existence? Are they the stars that illuminate our path, or do they merely cast shadows upon it?

We yearn for answers, for a roadmap that can decipher the mysteries of living. Yet, here’s the enigma – we enter this world without a manual, without pre-written instructions, without a script dictating our every move. Does this mean that life is nothing more than a blind journey, where we stumble in the dark, making mistakes, seeking meaning through trial and error?

Together, we’ll navigate the labyrinth of life, weaving through the intricate patterns of joy, sorrow, love, and despair.  

When I was a child, I asked my mother
If honey was as sweet as they said.
She handed me a spoon and a jar of honey, saying,
“Taste, my child, and you’ll know.”
And as that golden nectar touched my tongue,
I discovered a sweetness that
No words could ever capture.

I asked my dad what courage felt like, and
How it was to face fear head-on.
He looked at me with a gentle smile and
Handed me a small, fluttering butterfly, saying,
“Hold it in your palm, my child, and you’ll know.”
As that delicate creature rested on my hand,
I sensed a fragile strength within it,
Courage often comes as a gentle whisper,
Not a thunderous roar.

In my school days,
I questioned my mother about the magic of reading,
How words on a page could transport you to distant lands.
She smiled and handed me a book, saying,
“Read, my dear, and you’ll understand.”
As I turned the pages,
I found myself soaring on the
Wings of imagination,
Exploring worlds beyond my wildest dreams.

There’s more to reading than tales of far-off places.
Reading teaches us empathy.
Empathy is a key that unlocks the doors of other people’s hearts,
Helping us understand their joys, sorrows, and dreams.
In the pages of books, we find not just stories but
The essence of humanity itself.

I once questioned the meaning of hard work,
Why adults toiled day in and day out.
My parents told me,
“Work, my dear, and you’ll discover.”
I ventured into the world of labour, and
In those moments of effort,
I found not just sweat and fatigue but
A sense of accomplishment that filled my heart.

I once wondered aloud how it felt to conquer a mountain,
To stand atop the world.
My father smiled and handed me a hiking backpack, saying,
“Climb, my child, and you’ll experience it.”

As I ascended, each step was a struggle,
Each breath reminded me of my determination.
When I reached the summit,
I understood that triumph was not
About reaching the peak but about
The journey that led me there.

My inquisitive spirit persisted, asking,
“Why must we learn through experience?
Is that the better way?”
My parents responded,
“Life is an experience, my child.
We can ponder and discuss, but
True wisdom comes from living.”

They reminded me
While imagining could spark the flame,
It’s the journey itself that lights the way.

Life is not just about talking and thinking.
It’s about stepping into the
River of experience, feeling the currents, and
Embracing the unknown with open arms.

We stand on the riverbank,
Watching the water flow by.
We can discuss its depth and speed all day, but
We’ll never truly know until we wade in.

Life beckons us to dive in,
To wholeheartedly embrace the act of living.
It’s within these moments that we truly learn,
Akin to a bird learning to soar
By feeling the wind beneath its wings.

As we slow down and engage with life’s currents,
We’ll discover the most profound lessons
Aren’t found in words but rather in
The whispers of the heart,
Guiding us toward the light of understanding and
The joy of existence.

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